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An accumulated wealth of knowledge is at your service with McFadden & McFadden P.R. (M&M PR). The company found its base in the field of arts & entertainment and non-profits. From Capital Campaigns, to corporate and event-driven PR, this firm has also handled the launch of food and beverage products as well as educational forums, environmental organizations, authors and photographers. The basic goal of any good press campaign is to create and establish successful publicity in all media for the client in the timeline to best suit the client’s service or event.


Starting with a consultation to determine the timing, goals, and singularity of the project, including story angles determined for optimum press results, M&M P.R. will create the best possible presence for the client. In business in Santa Barbara since 1992, the base and quality of press contacts in this area is unparalleled. Additionally, national and international contacts have been accumulated from years of experience in major markets like L.A. and New York City.


Basics of an event or product launch campaign include: press release (and fact sheet for event driven PR) e-mailed to all media contacts on my list(s); individual pitches to key media in print, radio, web & TV for feature or secondary story consideration; endeavor to secure reviewers for the artist/event/debuts; write copy and secure production for an electronic PSA (Public Service Announcement applies to non-profits only) to be distributed to broadcast media for non-profit calendar announcements; write fact sheets for calendar listings; invite social press coverage (where desired) and photo releases (when available) as well as create any immediate press alerts during the campaign. For national and touring companies, where there’s a press package already created, I will re-write the release to fit the individual event for this area, as well as create a press kit with photographs provided by client. (If no photographs are available, I can recommend photographers here and in L.A.) Ideally, you want to drive the media to your website with downloadable photos.

Annual contracts are the best approach for non-profit organizations with capital campaigns or multiple facets under one banner. Yearly contracts work well for businesses and individuals who want to create a reputation for their work or gain loyalty from a customer based return business through a planned PR approach.

Promotional tie-ins, where possible, in the local market will be a part of the complete campaign. I have a deep well of community contacts I have worked with successfully to broaden the reach of a PR campaign through grassroots efforts and by pairing a for profit business with a non-profit for a wider audience reach.



Media sponsorship requests can be made to stretch the non-profit and for profit client’s dollar depending on the product/service. There is no guarantee on achieving a sponsor relationship due to timing and other influences, but requests can be made on the client’s behalf. I have a solid reputation with the media to deliver the goods, make it fun and get results. This outreach can also apply to connecting any community events with a client for a bigger presence and impact.

Ad campaigns can be designed for all media, to fit your budget. Copy can be generated for advertisements. M&M can place the ads, and conform to the ad budget successfully. I do not design but, I can certainly recommend graphic designers/layout artists who I have worked with and trust for whatever you may need – from brochures and posters, to ads for the web and print. I also have colleagues who are filmmakers and editors with experience in animated and live-action clips.

McFadden & McFadden PR | 945 Ward Drive, #128 | Santa Barbara, CA | 93111 | 805.689.5053 |

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